"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

12th Night Cast LIst

Casting is the most difficult task that a director must do.  The casting for Twelfth Night was made harder by the fact there were so many talented and enthusiastic actors auditioning for a small cast that has limited opportunity for multiple casting.  Please know that you are a valued actor even if your name does not appear on the cast list.  Also know that there are many more shows to come and we look forward to seeing you at future auditions.  

Rehearsals for next two weeks for the entire cast are Monday - Thursday 3:45 - 6 pm in room 138.  More detailed information will be given to you at Monday's rehearsal.

Cast List:
Orsino - Tristan Muresan
Olivia - Camillle Barron / Ruby Mullins-Keating
Viola - Tess Ferryman / Julia Rees
Sebastian - Tucker Litch
Sir Toby - Zachary Goldsmith
Sir Andrew - Natalie Rader
Malvolio - Izzy Levy / Kate Weeks
Maria - Audrey Walker / Lindsay Kurtz
Fabian - Taylor Balow
Feste - Noah Clark
Fool - Halia Baillie
Antonio - Johnathan Cordisco
Clown/Singer and Ensemble - Emma McGrane / Sophia Modica
Valentine and Ensemble - Joshua Snisky
Curio and Ensemble - Finn Lawless
1st Officer and Ensemble - Lilli Hammond
Attendant to Lady Olivia and Ensemble - Mia Dalton / Ella Jeffreys
Lord and Ensemble - Aidan Childs
Captain and Ensemble - Xela Shawn

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

12th Night Callback List for Thursday February 27

Below is the callback list for Thursday.  Please keep in mind that if you are not on the callback list, it does NOT mean that you are not in the cast.  Also, if you are on the callback list, it does not mean that you are in the cast.  A callback is a second chance for the direct to see actors in order to make appropriate casting decisions.  Callbacks are from 3:45-6 pm in the choir room, room 138.

Good luck to all and watch this space for the cast list on Friday!

Halia Baillie
Julia Rees
Tess Ferryman
Noah Clark
Natalie Rader
Taylor Balow
Tucker Litch
Johnathan Cordisco
Zachary Goldsmith
Lindsay Kurtz
Shane Hegarty
Audrey Walker
Camillle Barron
Ruby Mullins-Keating

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

12 Night Callback List for Wednesday, February 26

Wow, auditions were fantastic!  It was great to see so many faces, both boys and girls and both new and returning cast members.  Thank you to all for your hard work and dedication.

Below is the callback list for Wednesday.  Please keep in mind that if you are not on the callback list, it does NOT mean that you are not in the cast.  Also, if you are on the callback list, it does not mean that you are in the cast.  A callback is a second chance for the direct to see actors in order to make appropriate casting decisions.  Callbacks are from 3:45-6 pm in the choir room, room 138.

Good luck to all and watch this space for further callbacks on Thursday!

Johnathan Cordisco
Lilly Hammond
Emma McGrane
Camillle Barron
Mia Yerton
Sophia Modica
Joshua Shisky 
Finn Lawless
Kate Weeks
Izzy Levy
Tucker Litch
Ruby Mullins-Keating 
Natalie Rader
Audrey Walker
Xela Shawn
Zachary Goldsmith
Noah Clark
Mia Dalton
Julia Rees
Taylor Balow 
Ella Jeffreys
Shane Hegarty
Tess Ferryman 
Lindsay Kurtz
Tristan Muresan
Haliea Baillie 
Aidan Childs