"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 25 - Dec 2

We are on the home stretch! 

Tickets can be purchased on line at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/513160

Rehearsals  - There is no rehearsal until the Monday we return to school from the Thanksgiving break.  All the cast is called for all the remaining rehearsals.  There is only one week of rehearsal left before show week!!  There is rehearsal Monday Dec 2 -  Thursday Dec 5 usual time.  Actors must have all of their costumes pieces at rehearsal this week.  Dress rehearsals are Monday Dec 9 Tuesday Dec 10 Wednesday Dec 11 until 8 pm.  Students need to arrange their own meal, dinner break at 6.  The musicians, sound and lights will be at dress rehearsals so it will be the first time that the entire show comes together.  Make sure you actor gets lots of rest and good nutrition during the break because the dress rehearsal schedule is arduous. 

Front of the House stuff - The chairs of the box office, concessions, dressing room and dinner for show nights will be contacting you asking for your help during show nights.  Please respond promptly.  The shows are great because we all work together in support of our kids.  They have put in an amazing amount of hours on the stage and we are charged with the task of making the front of the house just as successful. FYI the concession stand is open starting at 5:30.  Pizza will be served as well as other treats.  Roses and messages for the cast and crew, Sea Notes, will be for sale as well.   Any 8th grader who wants to volunteer on show nights can earn community service hours.

Show Night Dinners - A big thank you to Darlene Halperin for taking charge of feeding anyone around on show nights.  This averages about 70 people each night!!  She is planning dinners for the 4 evening shows and will be sending out an electronic sign up sheet asking us to contribute to the dinner.  Please help any way you can!  Darlene is making sure that there are gluten free options available!  If you have any other dietary restriction then please bring food that meets your needs.

Show nights - students are to report to the dressing room and get into costume and make up.  Cast members need to bring their own basic makeup such as foundation, blusher and eye liner/mascara.  Even the boys need makeup as the set lights make faces look pale. Putting make up in a ziploc bag with your name on it works well.  Crew members are to set up chairs.  Crew members need to be dressed all in black.  Each cast and crew member will be allowed to reserve 4  seats only!   There needs to be 2 empty seats between reserved seats.  We have received complaints in the past from customers who do not have an actor in the show that all the decent seats are gone. Dinner will be served starting at 4:30.  

Saturday Matinee - For the matinee, students are to report at 12pm for the 2 pm show.  They must arrive with full bellies as no lunch will be served.

Strike - Dec 21 is strike from 9:45 am -1 pm.  This is when we get to clean up, take down and put away everything that we have used.  Each actor must be accompanied by an adult who will help with the heavier stuff and keep the kids on task.  You must attend strike in order to attend the cast party.

Cast party - Dec 21 from 6:30-10 at the Copper Monkey restaurant, which is part of Laserport.  You can play laser tag but the cost of doing so will not be included in the fee.  I will need to get a headcount and payment the week before the party.  Details to be sent later.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 11

Thanks to everyone for a great job at the all day Saturday rehearsal.  It was so much fun that we are going to do it again this Saturday!  Same rules apply about time, snack, lunch, etc.  I may be sending out another email before then if more items are needed.

Thanks to all the muscles that helped moving the set.  Due to the band concert this week, we have had to move the set around more than usual.  It is a hassle but it is good that we can help the band.  The plan is to have the set back and permanent for the Saturday rehearsal.

FYI there will be no rehearsal on Thursday Nov 21 due to the late teacher conferences.  The school is closed to all after school activity that day.

REMINDER: Saturday night we are planning to go to Wilson High School to see Into the Woods, Paul and Andrew's other show.  We are meeting in the lobby of WHS 20 minutes before show time.  Please check out https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=whsta  for more info and placing ticket orders.
Rehearsal this week:

Monday - no school

Tuesday Nov 12
Ursula, Tentacles, Ariel, Flotsam, Jetsam, Eric, Pilot, Triton, Sebastian, Grimsby, Flounder, Maia Combs.

Finish staging/transitional work: scenes 16 and 17
Stage scenes 19 and 20
Run scenes 16-20

Wednesday Nov. 13
Full cast and Jr. cast

Transitional work: scenes 5-11, 12-17

Thursday Nov 14
Ursula, Tentacles, Ariel, Flotsam, Jetsam, Eric, Pilot, Triton, Sebastian, Grimsby, Flounder, Scuttle, Mersisters, Princesses

Run Major Scenes and Songs

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 4

1.  Please remember to complete and return the forms for headshots, bios, personal ads and business ads.  All these items are due very soon because they go into the program which takes time to put together and then send to the printer.  Please please get them into grace@leeus.org.  Forms and pictures can be scanned and emailed.  Anyone with business connections, please sell (or buy) ads for the program.  Given the outreach we are doing with the feeder elementary schools (Bridlemile, Ainsworth, Forest Park and Chapman), we expect a large turnout from those areas which covers Portland's west side.

2.  Saturday Nov 9 is our first all day rehearsal.  Please arrive at 9:45.  The side gym door should be open.  All actors must bring snack, lunch and a water bottle.  Also actors should bring their costume pieces on Saturday in a paper bag with their name on it.  If you are not sure what your actor should have for their costume, please check the blog at http://eastwestsylvandrama.blogspot.com/.  You will have to scroll past the recent posts to find the post about costumes.   

3.  Saturday night, Nov 16, after our last Saturday rehearsal, we are planning to attend the show, Into the Woods, that Paul and Andrew have directed for Wilson High School.  It is a great show and a wonderful fun way to support other drama groups.  Whoever wants to go should purshase their own ticket and meet in the lobby of Wilson High School 20 minutes before show time.  Please check out https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=whsta  for more info and placing ticket orders.

4.  The rehearsal schedule for this week is:
Monday 11/4
Full Cast
Stage Kiss the Girl

Tuesday 11/5
Ursula, Tentacles, Flotsam, Jetsam
Scenes/song work 

Wednesday 11/6
Full Cast
Finish Kiss the Girl
Start staging Les Poissons

Thursday 11/7
Ursula, Tentacles, Flotsam, Jetsam, Ariel, Triton, Prince Eric
Review all Ursula songs and scenes