"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday November 29 - Tech Day

Monday - November 29 - Tech Day

Once we have run through the program, let's try and get one photograph with the entire cast and mission band for the website and thank you cards.  Bring or wear your t-shirts please.  Plan on photo being taken between 7pm and 7.30pm.  (We'll get one yet!)

Once again, today is the day we give to our lighting, sound, power, etc.  There will be a lot of waiting and holding and waiting while tech makes sure they have all their cues set to make the show look and sound good.
It's tiring and we ask for patience from everyone.  Remember, you've had 12 weeks to look good, tech gets a few hours.  Let's help them out as much as we can.

3.30pm - CAST and Mission Band - Lower Gym
3.30pm - CREW - Lower Gym

No Costumes.  Run Cue to Cue through the show.  

Please bring substantial snacks or a small meal to grab on the go as we run through the show.
Always bring a water bottle but do not leave them on the stage!

Make Up : you need to bring a bag marked with your name containing
  • mascara
  • eye pencil
  • lip stick
  • eye shadow
  • hair brush
Under garments: 
  • Girls: please bring your leotard and tights.  
  • Boys: please bring your boxer briefs and t-shirts.
Final Costumes:
  • Bring your final pieces to complete your costumes.  
  • Full run through planned for Tuesday but items need to be on the racks tonight
  • Bring and wear your shoes for the run through tonight

Stage Work - 1pm 
  • Cut façade for lighting and make hinged door. 
  • Rehang signs, set wings and blinds, touch up black paint
  • painting of façade, hanging city murals, 
  • lay cables and tape down, prep. orchestra pit, dressing room lights and blue lights on stairwells.  
  • Build new door frame for stage right entry and hang curtains.  Hang frame for stage left and hang curtains.  
  • Repair big ramp
  • 4pm take out chair racks
  • construction help with façade and ramp repair
  • Elizabeth is hanging screens
  • Lots of ladders and tape today if you're available early
  • Pick up of Lincoln Crew at 3.30pm from LHS
  • 7pm parent needed to finish the painting of the benches
  • sound on all scene 1 actors
  • lights off and props set
  • warm up with Andrew and Paul 

4.20pm - ten minutes to run through dry ice with cast

4.30pm - start cue to cue

7pm - 7.30pm

  • return all mics to the tech table in good condition
  • pick up all rubbish from counters and floors and bin
  • check costumes for full dress tomorrow 
  • return all props to prop tables
  • take home personal clothing items
  • Any Costumes Found Lying Around Will Be Taken
  • set prop tables again
  • clean off stage
  • cover tech tables
  • dump dry ice contents
  • sweep floors for dance tomorrow morning
7.30pm - when everything is put away and ready for tomorrow you may leave.