"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thursday December 2 - Opening Night

Thursday - December 2 - Opening Night

It's show night!  Wear your T-Shirt to School!

3.30pm - CAST and Mission Band - Lower Gym - Put your bags into the PTA room first.
Get into costume - work on make up

  • costume parents should be ready for actors arriving at 3.30
  • make up parents should be ready for actors

3.30pm - CREW - Lower Gym - Put your bags into the PTA room.  Wear black all over.  Dark shoes with dark soles.  Non stage crew can wear their Guys & Dolls shirts.
  • Set up prop tables.  
  • Ready stage.  
  • Sweep and mop gym floors and set up remaining chairs. 
  • Start hot water for dry ice. 
  • Set out water bottles for pit orchestra.  
  • Set up POA seating and reserve parking
  • Set up NO Parking signs by chain if we need assisted access to the lower gym

5pm - 5.30pm  
  • Dinner in the cold lunch room
  • Set up concessions and box office 
  • Keys for elevator

  • Will call and concessions open, upper doors closed
  • Chain to lower gym dropped for access to lower doors 
  • touch up make up and mics for Cast  
  • Props checked again
  • Sound and lighting checks
  • Crew for POA on the ready at concessions
  • Programs in upper halls
  • T-shirts in upper halls
  • Locker rooms open for intermission bathroom runs
  • Door open for seating 
  • all Cast back stage for  warm ups with Andrew.  
  • Crew set lights for stairwells and prop tables. 
  • Check prop tables
6.30pm - curtain up

7.40pm - Intermission
  • Dry ice parents back stage
8.40pm - close
  • all costumes back on racks and labelled for next show
  • all props returned to prop tables
  • all personal clothing removed from drama rooms
  • chairs on stage left of the gym floor folded and stacked for dance classes on Friday
  • floors swept
  • cover tech tables
  • dump dry ice contents 
  • pick up empty water bottles from the stage

9pm - when everything is cleared up and cleaned off, go to PTA room and collect school bags
Please have your costumes put away properly.  It will be harder to deal with tomorrow.

Wednesday December 1 - Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday - December 1 - Dress Rehearsal

You need to bring food again tonight and water.  This is the last chance to bring everything together.  Please make a list and make sure you have everything with you for this rehearsal.  

Photos will be taken if you bring your t-shirt!!!!

3.30pm - CAST and Mission Band - Lower Gym
Get into costume - work on make up, check props.

3.30pm - CREW - Lower Gym
Set up prop tables.  Ready stage. Check prop tables. Start water for dry ice.

Stage Work 
  • touch up painting
  • finish last minute punch list and (set up half the chairs - maybe) 
  • run dry ice in the scene again

  • we need someone to run for 20-25lbs of dry ice at Fred Meyer for delivery by 6pm
  • pick up Lincoln Crew at 3.30pm from LHS
  • Martha will run costuming, volunteer dressers please come and help
  • Cymberly will run make up, volunteer make up please come and help
  • Pit Orchestra set up
  • Cast warm up
  • Crew check props
  • Lights off
  • Curtains
4.30pm - Mic up Cast members

4.45pm - Start run of show

  • start second act
  • run dry ice scene 
7.30pm to 8pm 
8.pm to 8.30pm

  • return all mics to the tech table in good condition
  • pick up all rubbish from counters and floors and bin
  • check costumes for full dress tomorrow 
  • return all props to prop tables
  • take home personal clothing items
  • Any Costumes Found Lying Around Will Be Taken
  • set prop tables again
  • clean off stage
  • cover tech tables
  • dump dry ice contents
  • sweep floors for dance tomorrow morning
8.30PM : If everything is put away and tidy for tomorrow you may leave unless Andrew and Paul need you for additional work.

Tuesday November 30 - Dress Rehearsal

 Tuesday - November 30 - Dress Rehearsal No make-up

CAST: please bring something to cover your costume while eating. You need to have this every night now.  Please clean up after yourselves if you bring food to the gym.  I would like to go home too and don't like having to pick up the remains of your snacks.

CREW: please wear or bring black clothing for work on-stage.  If you have white soles on your shoes then jazz shoes might work better.  You need to do this every night from now on.

3.30pm - CAST and Mission Band - Lower Gym
Get into costume - no make-up check props.

3.30pm - CREW - Lower Gym
Set up prop tables. Ready stage. Check prop tables. Start water boiling. Water for Pit.

Parents - We are looking for the loan of a 30" TV for the duration of the show.  The kids need to see Andrew but he doesn't have access to a TV for the set up.  Please let me know. eof@aracnet.com
Stage Work - 2pm - 4pm

  • set and clamp risers 
  • finish wiring and sound for pit
  • paper risers with Kiley at 4pm 
  • we need someone to run for 20-25lbs of dry ice at Fred Meyer for delivery by 6pm
  • Pick up Lincoln Crew at 3.30pm from LHS
  • Martha will run costuming, volunteer dressers please come and help
  • Cymberly will be running make up, volunteer make up parents please come and help  no makeup today.  If you would like to come and check stocks on hand we'll be dressing from 3.30pm.  Full make-up tomorrow.
  • Pit Orchestra set up
  • Cast warm up
  • Crew check props
  • Lights off
  • Curtains
4.30pm - Mic up CAST

4.45pm - Start run of show

6pm - Training for dry ice and running it in the scene 
  • Jackie Campbell
  • Jenn Peters
  • Kent Anderson
  • Nick Nootenboom
  • Mike Massa
  • Judy Flynn 
6.15pm - Start second act

7.30pm to 8pm

8pm - bring your t-shirt and I'll take a group photo!  I'll  get one yet!
  • return all mics to the tech table in good condition do not just leave them on a table.  Hand them to the tech.
  • pick up all rubbish from counters and floors and bin !
  • check costumes for full dress tomorrow return your costumes to their clothing rack.
  • return all props to prop tables
  • take home personal clothing items
  • Any Costumes Found Lying Around Will Be Taken
  • set prop tables again
  • clean off stage
  • cover tech tables
  • dump dry ice contents
  • sweep floors for dance tomorrow morning
8PM : If everything is put away and tidy for tomorrow you may leave unless Andrew and Paul need you for additional work.  Do not leave until you are dismissed.  You will  miss important information. 

Monday November 29 - Tech Day

Monday - November 29 - Tech Day

Once we have run through the program, let's try and get one photograph with the entire cast and mission band for the website and thank you cards.  Bring or wear your t-shirts please.  Plan on photo being taken between 7pm and 7.30pm.  (We'll get one yet!)

Once again, today is the day we give to our lighting, sound, power, etc.  There will be a lot of waiting and holding and waiting while tech makes sure they have all their cues set to make the show look and sound good.
It's tiring and we ask for patience from everyone.  Remember, you've had 12 weeks to look good, tech gets a few hours.  Let's help them out as much as we can.

3.30pm - CAST and Mission Band - Lower Gym
3.30pm - CREW - Lower Gym

No Costumes.  Run Cue to Cue through the show.  

Please bring substantial snacks or a small meal to grab on the go as we run through the show.
Always bring a water bottle but do not leave them on the stage!

Make Up : you need to bring a bag marked with your name containing
  • mascara
  • eye pencil
  • lip stick
  • eye shadow
  • hair brush
Under garments: 
  • Girls: please bring your leotard and tights.  
  • Boys: please bring your boxer briefs and t-shirts.
Final Costumes:
  • Bring your final pieces to complete your costumes.  
  • Full run through planned for Tuesday but items need to be on the racks tonight
  • Bring and wear your shoes for the run through tonight

Stage Work - 1pm 
  • Cut façade for lighting and make hinged door. 
  • Rehang signs, set wings and blinds, touch up black paint
  • painting of façade, hanging city murals, 
  • lay cables and tape down, prep. orchestra pit, dressing room lights and blue lights on stairwells.  
  • Build new door frame for stage right entry and hang curtains.  Hang frame for stage left and hang curtains.  
  • Repair big ramp
  • 4pm take out chair racks
  • construction help with façade and ramp repair
  • Elizabeth is hanging screens
  • Lots of ladders and tape today if you're available early
  • Pick up of Lincoln Crew at 3.30pm from LHS
  • 7pm parent needed to finish the painting of the benches
  • sound on all scene 1 actors
  • lights off and props set
  • warm up with Andrew and Paul 

4.20pm - ten minutes to run through dry ice with cast

4.30pm - start cue to cue

7pm - 7.30pm

  • return all mics to the tech table in good condition
  • pick up all rubbish from counters and floors and bin
  • check costumes for full dress tomorrow 
  • return all props to prop tables
  • take home personal clothing items
  • Any Costumes Found Lying Around Will Be Taken
  • set prop tables again
  • clean off stage
  • cover tech tables
  • dump dry ice contents
  • sweep floors for dance tomorrow morning
7.30pm - when everything is put away and ready for tomorrow you may leave.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Homework over Thanksgiving!!

Learn your lines and lyrics for Monday!  We can see you still don't know them.

Parents, if they're telling you they know the words, don't believe them!

Learn how to tie a tie.  It's a life skill.  Buttoning shirts and tying shoes might need a bit of revision too! 

Remember to pack your make up bag and to bring al the last minute bits and pieces you've been promising to bring in for the past month!

Listen to the music!!  There are no more rehearsals, this is it.  We can't do it for you any more.

Happy Thanksgiving!!  See you at tech.

Paul, Andrew and Elaine

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New List of things we need

  1. A hand bell - thank you Marie Elena
  2. Oversized gangster gun - Thank you Martha
  3. Shoes for Cast  
  4. telephone cables (long ones)
  5. set of shopping bags, small paper or box (results of the 'midnight kitchen party' for Adelaide)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bejewelled, Be generous!

Thursday, November 18th 

8.30am to 11am and 4.30pm to 7pm

Shop for Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewellery at the home of 

Tracy Fenty
5721 SW Windsor Ct,
Portland 97221



Go to www.mysilpada.com/patty.weightman to see the line!

Last Full Week of Rehearsals

 A huge thank you to all the great parents who gave their Saturday to the kids.  Thank You!

Monday November 15 - no more absence from this date forward

CAST: 3.30pm to 6.15pm STAGE
CREW: 3.30pm to 6.30pm STAGE
JR. CAST: 4pm to 6.15pm STAGE
Hot Box Girls : 4pm to ? DANCE with Jessica

Last date for all submissions for the program.

Tuesday November 16 - Room 138 and 140

CAST: 3.45pm to 6.15pm in Room 138
Jr. CAST: 4pm to 6.15pm in Room 138
CREW: Wait and see at this point.  We need some help managing the crew.  Volunteers?

Wednesday November 17 - Please wear your cast and crew shirts and maybe I can take a photo?

CAST: 3.30pm to 6.15pm STAGE
CREW: 3.30pm to 6.30pm STAGE
JR. CAST: 4pm to 6.15pm STAGE

Please bring a check if you are getting a new leotard and tights.  Payable to: The Leotard.  Pricing details on separate Leotard and Tights blog. 

 Thursday November `18

CAST: 3.45pm to 6.15pm in Room 138
Jr. CAST: 4pm to 6.15pm in Room 138
CREW: Wait and see.


  Fund raiser for the drama department this Thursday, November 18th! 
  Shop for Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewelry at the home of 

Tracy Fenty, 
5721 SW Windsor Ct,
Portland 97221. 
8:30 til 11am 
4:30 til 7pm. 

HALF OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO OUR DRAMA DEPARTMENT, so bejeweled, be generous! Go to www.mysilpada.com/patty.weightman to see the line!

Thank you Patty and Tracy!

  Friday November 19 - Sitzprobe

CAST & Jr. CAST: 4pm to 6.30pm Room 140

I will be collecting checks for The Leotard between 3.30pm and 4pm tomorrow in Room 138.  If you would like your leotard collected and delivered to school for Monday's rehearsal please get your check to me by then. (Thank you Nancy.) 

  If you cannot get your check to me, please go to The Leotard and collect your order.   It is under West Sylvan Drama.  

 For information on how much your order costs, please go to the blog entry dedicated to leotard and tights.   

Sitzprobe is for the benefit of the musicians.  All Cast are required to be there.  Jr. Cast are welcome if you can be patient and quiet when not singing.

There is a lot of sitting around involved this evening and all members of the company are required to participate with patience and respect.  

The Orchestra consists of volunteer musicians for the most part and they need this evening with the kids to figure everything out.

Mrs. Hindlin will have snacks for everyone to keep the wiggles from getting out of control.

Thanks for being patient on this one kids.  Adults are welcome to sit in and listen to the music.

  Next Week:

If you are not going to be at rehearsals next Monday and Tuesday you should have told me by now.

Please work on your lines and music over the break.  When we return it will be three very fast rehearsals to opening night.

If you would like to volunteer in any role with this production we still need you.  Please let me know.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Paul, Andrew and Elaine. 

Parent Stage Volunteers Needed

We need 2 adult volunteers for show nights and dress rehearsals.  

Once again we will have dry ice for one scene in the second act.  We need you to handle dry ice and boiling water and ferry them both under the stages and mix them on cue.  

If you would like an opportunity to see what goes on back stage without your children being mortified by your presence, this is your chance.

If we can train four adults we can split the nights so everyone gets to see their kids.

Thanks for your help!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Leotards and Tights

Here is the list of actors we are ordering for.
Checks were due today but please give them to me tomorrow and I'll get them to Nancy.


There are 12 kids who are youth sizes (7 medium (8 - 10) and 5 large
(10 - 12). They owe $12.90 for their leotards and $7.00 for tights for
a total of $19.90.
Liz G.
Issy P.
Anna S.
Amanda P.
Sarah H.
Kate L.
Kira R.
Sammy D
Samantha W.
Christina G.

There are 4 girls who are pre-teen sizes (14 - 16). They owe $ 12.90
for their leotards and $9.90 for tights (adult size s/m) for a total
of $ 22.80.
Carly C.
Zoe S.
Emma W.
Ella S.

There are 8 girls who are adult s, m and l sizes. They owe $ 14.50
for leotards and $ 9.90 for tights for a total of $ 24.40.
Emilia M.
Allison K.
Moira C.
Claire S.
Chelsey W.
Ashley S.
Kate S.
Kayla F.

Made payable to The Leotard.

Nancy has gone to The Leotard and picked up your orders.  She'll have them at WSMS on Monday.
If you did not get money to me, please pick up your order at The Leotard  this weekend. The order is under West Sylvan Drama.

Thank you so much Nancy for looking after all of this. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 8 of Guys & Dolls

Please note I have added forms to the blog.  Check the right hand column.  Please order your tickets and personal ads now.

 Don't forget to take a poster and hang it somewhere!

Please help Tatiana sell business advertising by letting people know about our program and the 1200 people who will see it.  Forms on the blog!
Thank you. 

Monday - November 8 

CAST: on the stage 3.45 to 6.15  (4pm Jessica choreography)
CREW: on the stage 3.30 to 6.30
Mission Band: Meet in the lower gym 4pm to 5.15pm  

Costuming: 4pm try on costumes on available members.  Please bring shoes and additional items

Construction: Elizabeth consult on paint and hanging bill boards

Lights: Elaine bringing lights from Hollywood Lights at 3.30pm

Tuesday - November 9

CAST: Room 138 3.45 to 6.15

Construction and Help: We need to hang the cyc.  This is a huge white curtain that will take 5 adults to wrestle into position on ladders.  Please let me know if you can help.  We need 4 people to manage this.

Wednesday - November 10

CAST: on the stage 3.45 to 6.15pm
CREW: on the stage 3.30p  to 6.30pm 
Mission Band: Meet in the lower gym 4pm to 5.15pm

Finalization of leotard orders.  

Thursday - November 11

No School

Friday - November 12

Orchestra Rehearsal: Room 140 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Lighting Focus: 3.30pm to 6.30pm on the stage 
CREW: Lighting and Sound Training with Connor 3.30pm to 6.30pm

Saturday - November 13

Mandatory Rehearsal 
Doors open @ 9.30am for 10am start.
 Finish @ 4pm

Same rules apply as the last Saturday rehearsal.  Be at WSMS at 9.45am for a reminder of those rules.  Thank you. 

Cast, Crew and Mission Band: Bring costumes and shoes and your lunch.

Paul will run the show from the top down.  Know your lines!  Know the blocking!

At lunch we will get as many of you as we can into costume so we can see where we are.  You will run through the afternoon in costume.

If everyone wears their t-shirt we can take a group photo for this year's production!

Costuming: if you can sew and/or you have a machine, we will be working on mass production of outfits for girls.  Please help us!
So far I have Linda A, MarieElena, Stephanie, Martha, Peace and I'll bring a machine.

Help! We still need to hang the cyc and we need adults to help.

Volunteers: Helene will bring lunch for the adult volunteers.  Thank you Helene!

Please make sure your personal messages are submitted for publication by this date.  


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Advertising Posters

I am looking for parents to distribute posters to local business, clubs, libraries, theatres, etc.

We have delivered the posters to our feeder schools and Lincoln.  If you haven't seen them there please come and take another one.  We need to spread the word. 

I will leave some in the Drama Room this week if you have somewhere you'd like to put them.  I have more coming from the printers shortly.

Thanks for your help!