"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Wow!!  The cast and crew put on two great shows!  On Friday night there were 225+ people in the audience, one of the biggest crowds I have seen.  The hard work and all the rehearsal time has paid off.  I received tons rave reviews.

This week there is NO rehearsal Monday or Tuesday.  Wednesday will be a regular rehearsal (not dress) until 6:00.
Thursday and Friday are show nights.

Thanks to Samantha McClain (Lilly Hancock's mom) for feeding our large group.  All cast, crew, musicians and volunteers are counted in the dinner numbers.  Could I get a few parents to help Samantha clean the dinner room (104) after the feeding frenzy?  This could be done as soon as dinner is finished or at intermission.  The room needs to be returned to its original condition (cleaned and tables folded) before we leave or the custodians get annoyed and we don't want that.

Strike (the big clean up of the gym and stage after the show) is on December 15 from 9:45-1:00.  We have to clear out the drama room, disassemble the set, gather and organize props and costumes and figure out how to get it all back in the drama room in an orderly manner.  Kind of like putting a puzzle together.  All cast and crew must attend with an adult if they want to attend the Cast party.

The cast party is December 15 at Kenny & Zuke's on 2376 Northwest Thurman Street from 7-10:30ish.  A light dinner of hot dogs, sliders (some gluten free) and pizza will be served.  Wine and beer is available for purchase for the adults!  This is a family event, siblings are welcome, and is always a great time for everyone to decompress after two intense weeks. There is usually lots of singing!  Cast and crew need to come with an adult or be in the care of an adult.  Cost is $10/person which must be paid in advance at Strike!

Your children are amazing!