"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of December 16

Great shows Friday and Saturday!  Nothing but positive comments!  All the hard work pays off!  We had two of the biggest audiences I have seen at a performance!  

Rehearsal - There is no rehearsal Monday.  Tuesday is a "pick up" rehearsal from 3:45-6 pm.  This is a regular rehearsal, not a dress rehearsal.  

Shows - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, same process as last Friday.  Be prepared for a small audience on Wednesday.

Strike - Dec 21 is strike from 9:45 am -1 pm.  This is when we get to clean up, take down and put away everything that we have used.  Each actor must be accompanied by an adult who will help with the heavier stuff and keep the kids on task.  You must attend strike in order to attend the cast party.

Cast party - Dec 21 from 6:30-10 pm at the Copper Monkey restaurant, which is part of Laserport.  You can play laser tag but the cost of doing so will not be included in the fee.  I will be giving the restaurant a final headcount on Monday.  Cost is $15/person.  Make check out to West Sylvan MS.  I need all payments before the cast party.  I will accept checks at strike but no later.  It is too busy at the party to keep track of checks.  Thank you for you assistance with this.  You can leave your check at the box office when you attend a performance.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 25 - Dec 2

We are on the home stretch! 

Tickets can be purchased on line at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/513160

Rehearsals  - There is no rehearsal until the Monday we return to school from the Thanksgiving break.  All the cast is called for all the remaining rehearsals.  There is only one week of rehearsal left before show week!!  There is rehearsal Monday Dec 2 -  Thursday Dec 5 usual time.  Actors must have all of their costumes pieces at rehearsal this week.  Dress rehearsals are Monday Dec 9 Tuesday Dec 10 Wednesday Dec 11 until 8 pm.  Students need to arrange their own meal, dinner break at 6.  The musicians, sound and lights will be at dress rehearsals so it will be the first time that the entire show comes together.  Make sure you actor gets lots of rest and good nutrition during the break because the dress rehearsal schedule is arduous. 

Front of the House stuff - The chairs of the box office, concessions, dressing room and dinner for show nights will be contacting you asking for your help during show nights.  Please respond promptly.  The shows are great because we all work together in support of our kids.  They have put in an amazing amount of hours on the stage and we are charged with the task of making the front of the house just as successful. FYI the concession stand is open starting at 5:30.  Pizza will be served as well as other treats.  Roses and messages for the cast and crew, Sea Notes, will be for sale as well.   Any 8th grader who wants to volunteer on show nights can earn community service hours.

Show Night Dinners - A big thank you to Darlene Halperin for taking charge of feeding anyone around on show nights.  This averages about 70 people each night!!  She is planning dinners for the 4 evening shows and will be sending out an electronic sign up sheet asking us to contribute to the dinner.  Please help any way you can!  Darlene is making sure that there are gluten free options available!  If you have any other dietary restriction then please bring food that meets your needs.

Show nights - students are to report to the dressing room and get into costume and make up.  Cast members need to bring their own basic makeup such as foundation, blusher and eye liner/mascara.  Even the boys need makeup as the set lights make faces look pale. Putting make up in a ziploc bag with your name on it works well.  Crew members are to set up chairs.  Crew members need to be dressed all in black.  Each cast and crew member will be allowed to reserve 4  seats only!   There needs to be 2 empty seats between reserved seats.  We have received complaints in the past from customers who do not have an actor in the show that all the decent seats are gone. Dinner will be served starting at 4:30.  

Saturday Matinee - For the matinee, students are to report at 12pm for the 2 pm show.  They must arrive with full bellies as no lunch will be served.

Strike - Dec 21 is strike from 9:45 am -1 pm.  This is when we get to clean up, take down and put away everything that we have used.  Each actor must be accompanied by an adult who will help with the heavier stuff and keep the kids on task.  You must attend strike in order to attend the cast party.

Cast party - Dec 21 from 6:30-10 at the Copper Monkey restaurant, which is part of Laserport.  You can play laser tag but the cost of doing so will not be included in the fee.  I will need to get a headcount and payment the week before the party.  Details to be sent later.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 11

Thanks to everyone for a great job at the all day Saturday rehearsal.  It was so much fun that we are going to do it again this Saturday!  Same rules apply about time, snack, lunch, etc.  I may be sending out another email before then if more items are needed.

Thanks to all the muscles that helped moving the set.  Due to the band concert this week, we have had to move the set around more than usual.  It is a hassle but it is good that we can help the band.  The plan is to have the set back and permanent for the Saturday rehearsal.

FYI there will be no rehearsal on Thursday Nov 21 due to the late teacher conferences.  The school is closed to all after school activity that day.

REMINDER: Saturday night we are planning to go to Wilson High School to see Into the Woods, Paul and Andrew's other show.  We are meeting in the lobby of WHS 20 minutes before show time.  Please check out https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=whsta  for more info and placing ticket orders.
Rehearsal this week:

Monday - no school

Tuesday Nov 12
Ursula, Tentacles, Ariel, Flotsam, Jetsam, Eric, Pilot, Triton, Sebastian, Grimsby, Flounder, Maia Combs.

Finish staging/transitional work: scenes 16 and 17
Stage scenes 19 and 20
Run scenes 16-20

Wednesday Nov. 13
Full cast and Jr. cast

Transitional work: scenes 5-11, 12-17

Thursday Nov 14
Ursula, Tentacles, Ariel, Flotsam, Jetsam, Eric, Pilot, Triton, Sebastian, Grimsby, Flounder, Scuttle, Mersisters, Princesses

Run Major Scenes and Songs

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of Nov 4

1.  Please remember to complete and return the forms for headshots, bios, personal ads and business ads.  All these items are due very soon because they go into the program which takes time to put together and then send to the printer.  Please please get them into grace@leeus.org.  Forms and pictures can be scanned and emailed.  Anyone with business connections, please sell (or buy) ads for the program.  Given the outreach we are doing with the feeder elementary schools (Bridlemile, Ainsworth, Forest Park and Chapman), we expect a large turnout from those areas which covers Portland's west side.

2.  Saturday Nov 9 is our first all day rehearsal.  Please arrive at 9:45.  The side gym door should be open.  All actors must bring snack, lunch and a water bottle.  Also actors should bring their costume pieces on Saturday in a paper bag with their name on it.  If you are not sure what your actor should have for their costume, please check the blog at http://eastwestsylvandrama.blogspot.com/.  You will have to scroll past the recent posts to find the post about costumes.   

3.  Saturday night, Nov 16, after our last Saturday rehearsal, we are planning to attend the show, Into the Woods, that Paul and Andrew have directed for Wilson High School.  It is a great show and a wonderful fun way to support other drama groups.  Whoever wants to go should purshase their own ticket and meet in the lobby of Wilson High School 20 minutes before show time.  Please check out https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=whsta  for more info and placing ticket orders.

4.  The rehearsal schedule for this week is:
Monday 11/4
Full Cast
Stage Kiss the Girl

Tuesday 11/5
Ursula, Tentacles, Flotsam, Jetsam
Scenes/song work 

Wednesday 11/6
Full Cast
Finish Kiss the Girl
Start staging Les Poissons

Thursday 11/7
Ursula, Tentacles, Flotsam, Jetsam, Ariel, Triton, Prince Eric
Review all Ursula songs and scenes 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of October 28

There are a three things covered in this post:
  1. Forms for ordering tickets and placing personal ads (messages to cast and crew in the show program) and placing business ads in the program and headshots and biographies.
  2. Upcoming all day Saturday rehearsals
  3. Schedule for this week:
1.  Attached are three forms:
Ticket order form with personal ads - print it out, complete it and return, with checks made out to West Sylvan MS, to the school offices or bring to rehearsal and give to Mia Yerton.  Personal ads are messages to cast and crew members that will appear in the program.  The kids love reading these messages!
All these forms will be available on the website soon.  Laurie Walker is working on updating the website so I will let you know when they are posted.

A major source of funds for printing comes from selling ads in the program.  If you have a business or know someone with a business who would like to support a middle school drama program, please use the attached form.  Ads are due by Nov 16.  If you have questions about formats or graphics, please contact Grace Lee at grace@leeus.org
Every cast and crew member should submit a headshot and a biography that will appear in the program.  Attached is the form with instructions.  Again Grace Lee is your contact if you have questions.  Due date is Nov 8!  Putting the program together is lots of work so please pay attention to those due dates!

2.  All day Saturday rehearsals will be here soon, Nov 9 & 16, from 9:45 - 4 for all cast and crew.  All kids should bring a lunch and water bottles.  If you have volunteered for working on costumes or the set, please watch for emails from Lisa or Lara for working during the Saturday rehearsals.  

3.  This week's rehearsal schedule.  Remember, NO rehearsal Thursday, it is Halloween!
Monday 10/28
Full Cast
Review Fathom's Below and Under The Sea transitions
Stage Human Stuff or Les Poissons
Tuesday 10/29
Ursula, Tentacles, Flotsam, Jetsam
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Wednesday 10/30
Full Cast
Continue to review and stage group numbers

Costume Message from Lisa Brumm - Costume Mistress

Hi to all Actors and Performers' Families,
It is that time to have the actors getting their costumes pieces all set...if you & I haven't communicated yet, then please send me a reply email back of the following costume ideas to confirm that your actor has the pieces for each of their scenes/roles: 
If your actor is struggling to come up with any items or needs to get their costumes all set, I am available and will be attending most Mondays and some Tues or Weds of the play practices/rehearsal days. Please have them come to me and I will give them suggestions to get ready.                                                                                                                                             

- Responsibilities of Actors' costume/design elements
- My best description of each characters/ensemble costume components
- Drama Dept Wish list of items to borrow or have donated before we may have to purchase it 
  • Each performer is responsible for their costume(s) pieces; and must have me approve it before Dress Rehearsal day that it fits within the scope and theme/colors of our play.  I am making certain pieces/outfits, and will reach out to specific families if there is a special need that the Drama/Prop room doesn't have for use. Included below is info if I know that the Prop room can supply too.
  • Each female performer should wear their natural skin-colored dance leotard, & leggings for sake of wardrobe changes in a large dressing room with other actors and parent volunteers 
  • Each Ensemble performer should look below @ Specfic characters ---unless stated below, then the default is to wear a white top/shirt and black pants or leggings or tights  - this will allow us in the Costume committee to add accessories/items for ensemble cast or group scenes
  • Seagulls = White or Light Grey solid tee's with white pants or leggings; solid orange athletic socks
  • Sous-Chefs = their white button-down long sleeve shirt and black pants;  black dancer or flat non-shiny shoes
  • Sea Creatures = White Shirt/Top & Grey or Light Blue Leggings/Pant; we will be making elastic banded skirts that have netting and long streaming fabric to have an aquatic seaweed effect
**Ensemble Cast - consist of Seagulls, Sous Chefs, Sea Crestures - please see notes above and contact me if you have questions**
Wish List: (Perhaps some one has some of these items in the back of their closets or attic?)
2 White Short hair Wigs - One for Ursula and One for King Triton - Think Albert Einstein or Beetlejuice
Healies (Tennis shoes with pop-out skates in the soles) - various sizes that can be used for fluid motion with the Tentacles, Sea Creatures; if we get enough then we'd like to have them for our under water characters; Flounder, Flotsam, Jetsam, Ursula, Mermaids, King Triton
7 Pettycoats - Bigger the Better for hoop skirt-type dresses - Princesses, Ariel and Ursula
Bands of Elastic - Mostly used for sewing projects and costumes
Small Binoculars - we would like to paint these, so please be willing to donate to be re-purposed
Individual Characters General Style:
Ariel  - Costume Dept is making her primary Mermaid skirt and top, Pinafore Dress, and an Elegant dress; Actress to wear her own Neutral colored ballet or dance flat shoe, neutral tights or leggings
Prince Eric - Long Sleeve Pirate-type blousy top/tunic...Preferably a solid White or Off-White, Dark Brown pants (Prop room may have wool dark pants that we could use), Leather Belt, Leather dark lace up boots
Pilot - Navy blue Docker pants, leather boots, Light or Medium Blue button down long sleeve shirt, leather belt and Navy blue Peacoat is ideal, Navy blue or Dark Grey stocking cap
Sebastian - Red (maybe checkered or stripped or patterned?) button down long sleeved shirt, red pants preferred, red low profile shoes (we could spray paint some white canvas deck shoes)...Prop room has a Red Rain Coat that gives a sleek, hard shell appearance and we have a pair of oven gloves that are red for his "claws". Red sunglasses, unless we can find small binoculars that we can spray paint red for a "steampunk" look
Scuttle - "Gutter Punk" is the style - dread lock hair with a few feather extensions, a white or grey fuzzy top or sweater to be worn with overalls that we have in the prop room.  We are adding patches and pockets to hold her "trinkets",  Solid orange athletic socks, orange flat shoes, yellow sunglasses to be worn on her head to hold back her whipped-up hair off her face is ideal
Flounder - Prop room has a yellow dress that we are adding blue stripes.  Medium Blue tights and a similar colored flat shoe.  Yellow and blue ribbons on a headband or ribbons to create a Faux-Hawk appearance, make up with have yellow and blue striping too
Grimsby - Old-styled stuffy white shirt with a doylie that we are adding to the neckline that we have in the prop room, a wool vest and matching pants from the prop room, possible suspenders, Actor to wear their own white long dress socks and leather men's dress shoe.
Chef Louis - Fat body suit that we are making for full weighted effect; prop room is securing Chef side - buttoned tops, Actor to wear their own black pants and black men's styled dress shoes.  Large handle-bar moustache and Super Tall Chef hat are being shopped.
Flotsam and Jetsam - Motorcycle gang styled leather jackets, pleather pants or leggings with holes to show off each character's "Signature" neon color...Prop room has a neon colored tee shirt and that will be the color for their leggings to wear throughout the play.  I am creating "long chiffon eels fins" to add to the sleeves that matches their signature neon colored tee shirts.  Their hair will be slicked back and appearance will be Faux-hawks.
Ursula - Prop room has her magenta dress and we are making a costume pleather corset-vest like top with sheer long octopus sleeves, black hoop skirt and pettycoat, preferred Healies or if we can't find Healies, then low comfortable black shoes that will not be visible to the audience.  White wig and Octopus make up. Large shell necklace are being shopped.
Tentacles - Actors to wear all black or slightly darker black long sleeved tops or tactical turtle necks, or a solid all black hoodie, black socks, black dancer or solid low black flats, nothing shiny.  Black leggings or tights or sweats that are not too baggy.  I am creating Black/Magenta Tentacles that will be added to their black outfits so they appear to be assimilated into Ursula's creature and lost souls form. We will be tethering them @ the waistline back to Ursula's waistline.  They are essentially minion - tentacles with full flowing motion and fully visible "walking" tentacles.
Mer- Sisters -  We are creating each mermaid skirt in a signature color with matching colored halter top and waist band sash.  Each girl to wear their own neutral colored tights/leggings and neutral colored ballet slipper or tan flat shoe
Princesses - We are creating hoop-skirted signature colored elegant dress for each;  Each girl to wear their own neutral colored tights and neutral colored ballet slipper or tan flat shoe
Carlotta -  Prop room has long servant-like dress, apron and lace up old styled boots; Actress to wear neutral tights or leggings
 Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification or if I've forgotten anyone.  We have a Costume Committee and have some shopping lists started, so if you need help and want any of us to keep an eye out for any of your Performers' specific articles, then please let us know.  We are working within a budget and most of it is going for fabric/materials to create the special effects/era-specific costumes, but we are willing to work within the scope of this production or do some seeking for your actor if needed.

By Nov 9th & 16th (The mandatory Saturday rehearsals), the Costume Committee will be fitting, hemming, and generally altering...if you find an article that needs to be adjusted, please let me know in advance, so we can add it to our task list.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Little Mermaid Weeks of Oct 14 & 21

I have just received the following two week rehearsal schedule.  Monday and Wednesday rehearsals are still full cast rehearsals.  If your character is listed for a Tuesday or Thursday then show up in the choir room.  If your character is not listed on a Tuesday or Thursday, then you have that day off. 

October 14th - 17th
Monday 10/14
Full Cast
Review: “Fathom’s Below”
Finish staging: “Under the Sea”

Tuesday 10/15
Ariel (Sophia) - solo work “Part of Your World”
Eric (Tucker) - solo work “One Step Closer”
Chef Louis (Kate L) - solo work “Les Poissons”
Scuttle (Sammy) - solo work “Human Stuff”

Wednesday 10/16
Full Cast
Review: “Under the Sea”
Begin Staging “Human Stuff”

Thursday 10/17
Mersisters (Cassis, Tessa, Tess, Julia, Grace, Kiana)
“She’s in Love” - Vocal work w/ Andrew and begin staging
“Daughters of Triton” - Vocal work w/ Andrew                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
October 21st - 24th

Monday 10/21
Full Cast
Review: “Under the Sea”
Finish Staging: “Human Stuff”
Begin Staging: “Kiss the Girl”

Tuesday 10/22
Mersisters (Cassis, Tessa, Tess, Julia, Grace, Kiana)
Finish Staging: “She’s in Love”
Begin Staging: “Daughters of Triton” 

Wednesday 10/23
Full Cast
Review: “Human Stuff”
Stage: “Kiss the Girl”

Thursday 10/24
Chef Louis (Kate L) and Sous Chefs (TBD this week)
Vocal work w/ Andrew
Begin Staging: “Les Poissons

Monday, October 14, 2013

Little Mermaid Week of October 14

This week's schedule is the same as last week's, at least for now.  I had hoped to have a two week schedule for you but have not yet received it.

Starting this week, Mondays and Wednesdays rehearsals are in the gym.  Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals will be in the choir room.

Today is crew auditions at 4 pm in the gym.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Little Mermaid - Week of September 23

This week is a regular rehearsal schedule:
Sr Cast (6-8 graders) Monday - Thursday, after school - 6pm in the choir room.
Jr Cast same time and place but just Mondays and Wednesdays.

If you have not done so, please review the information packet.  This packet requires action from you to 1. read, 2. volunteer and sign 3. return the designated pages with a $100 check made out to West Sylvan Middle School (NOT PTA).  Your actor can bring the completed forms and checks to rehearsal as soon as possible.

Also please review the Cast Contract.  Both you and your actor must read and sign and return.  This was not included in the information packet.  Please make sure to indicate your actor's tshirt size!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Mermaid week of Sept 16

Now the fun begins!  
  • The Sr cast members, 6-8th graders, are called for rehearsal Monday through Thursday.
  • The Jr cast members, 4th and 5th graders, only come to rehearsal on Mondays and Wednesdays (not Tuesdays and Thursdays).
  • Rehearsals, starting Monday, 9/16, are in the choir room from after school until 6 pm.
  • This is the weekly schedule until further notice.
  • Actors will receive a script and an information packet at the first rehearsal.  The information packet requires adult response so please read it carefully.
  • There is a brief parent information meeting on Thursday, 9/19, 5:45 - 6:15 pm, in the choir room, #138.  This will be an opportunity to meet the directors and get further details about the production.  Please bring your questions and your $100 participation fee check, made out to West Sylvan Middle School (NOT the PTA).  This is back to school night at West Sylvan so those with 7th and 8th graders will be there early enough to get a good parking spot!  Look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Little Mermaid Cast List

Congratulations to all!
See you at rehearsal on Monday 9/16, in the choir room, from 3:45 - 6:00 pm.  

Pilot                     Logan Kenney
Prince                  Eric Tucker Litch
Grimsby               Zachary Goldsmith
Seahorse             Sinead Tees
King Triton          Tristan Muresan
Sebastian             Noah Clark
Ariel Sophia         Takla
Flounder              Kaela Lee
Scuttle                 Sammy Webb
Chef Louis           Kate Lambert
Ursula                  Bella Ray
Tentacles             Sophia Modica, Emma McGrane, Carina Montero
Flotsam               Olivia Loibner
Jetsam                 Ava Sweet
Carlotta               Audrey Walker
Aquata                Cassia Schuler
Andrina               Tessa Cannon
Arista                  Tess Ferryman
Atina                   Julia Dodson
Adella                 Grace Hardy
Allana                 Kiana Gellman
Princesses           Dana Smiley, Mia Yerton, Ruby Mullins-Keating, Lindsay Kurtz,
  Claudia Rader, Mia Nelson

Sea Chorus, Merfolk, Gulls, Sailors, Chefs, and Lagoon animals:
Isabelle Levy
Kate Weeks
Mia Dalton
Audrey Lacey
Tara Flood
Natalie Brauser
Sienna Painter
Lilly Hancock
Maia Combs
Blake Leikem
Lauren Battey
Abigail Halperin

Jr. Cast:
Gabrielle Donaldson
Carolyn Levy
Hayden Wheeler
Jake Pinkstaff
Sydney Huard
Sophie Keefer

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Little Mermaid Callbacks for Thursday 9/12

Below is the callback list for Thursday.  Please keep in mind that if you are not on the callback list, it does NOT mean that you are not in the cast.  Also, if you are on the callback list, it does not mean that you are in the cast.  A callback is a second chance for the direct to see actors in order to make appropriate casting decisions.  Callbacks are from 4-6 pm in the choir room

Good luck to all and watch this space for casting on Friday! 

Noah Clark 
Zachary Goldsmith
Tristan Muresan
Tucker Litch
Logan Kenney
Jake Pinkstaff
Bella Ray
Kaela Lee
Sophia Takla
Sammy Webb
Mia Yerton 
Mia Nelson
Sophia Modica 
Sienna Painter 
Olivia Loibner 
Ava Sweet
Kiana Gellman 
Kate Lambert 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Callbacks for The Little Mermaid for Wednesday 9/11

Wow, auditions were fantastic!  It was great to see so many faces, both boys and girls and both new and returning cast members.  Thank you to all for your hard work and dedication.

Below is the callback list for Wednesday.  Please keep in mind that if you are not on the callback list, it does NOT mean that you are not in the cast.  Also, if you are on the callback list, it does not mean that you are in the cast.  A callback is a second chance for the direct to see actors in order to make appropriate casting decisions.  Callbacks are from 4-6 pm in the choir room

Good luck to all and watch this space for further callbacks on Thursday!

Tessa Cannon
Maddie Reifsteck
Noah Clark
Logan Kenney
Jake Pinkstaff
Ava Sweet
Sinead Tees
Tucker Litch
Kate Lambert
Kaela Lee
Julia Dodson
Sophia Takla
Tess Ferryman
Kiana Gellman
Sophia Modica
Ameya Okamoto
Sammy Webb
Olivia Loibner
Tristan Muresan
Kate Weeks
Dana Smiley
Jack Forman
Cassia Schuler
Mia Yerton
Grace Hardy
Bella Ray
Emma McGrane
Lindsay Kurtz
Sienna Painter
Lilly Hancock
Mia Nelson
Zachary Goldsmith

Friday, May 10, 2013

Hamlet Update 4/10

Show opens Thursday!!!  I heard a few kids saying they thought there was another week of rehearsal!

  • Saturday, May 11, is the mandatory all rehearsal from 9:30am - 4pm.  All must attend!!  Come ready to work and have fun.  This rehearsal is when we get lots of stuff done so please be focused.  No one will be allowed to use a script!
  • We need a few tall and strong parents to stay for 15 minutes in the morning to help hang the cyc, the big white back drop cloth  We need to move and use a very tall ladder.  Thank you in advance
  • Please bring all the pieces for your costume, a lunch and a water bottle.  Lunch will be around 12:30/1.
  • Still looking for someone to record the show.  Does anyone have a good video camera with a mike jack that we could use?  I could always find a student to operate it.  Worse case is I will set up a school camera at the back of the gym and press record.  I will warn you that the quality will be not the greatest as it is a school issued camera.  Any help in this department will be greatly appreciated.
  • Cast party will be Saturday evening from 6:30 - 10pm.  There will be a per person charge but it will be nominal.  Details will be discussed at Saturday's rehearsal.
  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are dress rehearsals which will last until 8.  Dinner break will be at 6.  Actors must provide their own dinner.  Show night dinner will be served.
  • On show night, students are to start getting ready for the show right after school.  Dinner will be served at 4:445.  The box office opens at 5:30, show is at 6:30!

Monday, April 29, 2013

HAMLET Week of 4/29

Less than three weeks until the show!

Rehearsal schedule:
Monday and Wednesday - Full cast
Tues & Thurs -Royal groups 1, 2 & 3, Polonius, Laertes, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern & Horatio.

FYI progress has been very slow and Paul cut a scene on Wednesday because the actors were not prepared.  Please discuss with your actor and encourage them to be fully prepared and focused during rehearsal.  Memorizing their lines would be great!!!

Saturday, May 11 is the all day rehearsal from 9:45 am - 4 pm.

Tickets are on sale!  Check the tickets tab on the www.eastwestsylvandrama.comwebsite.

If you have not sent a headshot & bio by Wednesday, then there will not be a photo and the bio will be "student's name is in the blank grade".

Personal ads to the actors and crew are due this week.  Also last chance for business advertisement.

You will be receiving another email regarding costumes.  Please help by collecting the required pieces this week.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HAMLET Week of 4/15

Seems as there may have been some confusion with the rehearsal schedule as some actors did not show up for their call day.  I have listed the schedule again, this time with the names of the actors.

If you have not yet completed your bio and headshot form please do so ASAP.  Also I am still missing some activity fees.  The money from the activity fee is what I use to fund the purchase of costumes and  props and tshirts before we get any revenue from ticket sales.  

Tickets are now on sale in two ways.  Use the attached form (which is also on the ticket page of the website) or go lo line to http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/371817.

Still looking for businesses to advertise in the program.  Watch for an email about personal ads in the program.  

Posters are in so I need a few people to take them to each of the local elementary schools (Forest Park, Chapman, Bridlemile and Ainsworth)  and coffee shops, libraries, grocery stores, etc.  

Only 4 weeks until the show and there is still lots to do.  I thank you in advance for your help!

Hamlet Rehearsal Schedule for April
Monday 15th ---Full Cast````````````````````````````````
Tuesday 16th Royal Group #2 plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
            Logan, Mia, Xela, Sage, Maia, Tucker, Emma McGrane, Natalie
Wednesday 17th All four ghosts plus Teis, Horatio and Marcellus
            Olivia, Anisha, Bella, Lindsay, Teis, Tucker, Kate Weeks
Thursday 18th Royal Group #2
            Logan, Mia, Xela, Sage
Monday 22nd Full Cast
Tuesday 23rd Royal Group # 3 Plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
            Teis, Laurel, Kate Lambert, Tristan, Tucker, Emma McGrane, Natalie
Wednesday 24th FULL CAST
Thursday 25th Royal Group #3 plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
            Teis, Laurel, Kate Lambert, Tristan, , Tucker, Emma McGrane, Natalie

Monday 29th FULL CAST
Tuesday 30th TBA

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hamlet 4/8 Update

1.  Below is the rehearsal schedule for April.  Paul will set the May schedule towards the end of April.  The schedule will be determined by the progress at that time.  Actors should be expected to be called more often in May.  
2. Please complete and return the Headshot/Bio Sheet asap which can be found at www.eastwestsylvandrama.com at the bottom of the first page.  Headshots and bios are included in the program so we need to have enough time to complete and print the program before the show.  Thanks to Kristina Kurtz for taking on the task of putting the program together!
3.  A source of revenue for the drama club is the sale of ads in the program.  Please consider purchasing an ad if you have a business or asking a friend, family member or someone you know who has a business to purchase an ad.  Ad purchase information is on the website.
4.  Holly Smiley will be sending a message about personal ads.  You, family members, friends, anyone can purchase a personal ad for a cast or crew member.  These ads, which usually say Good luck or Break a leg or Great job, appear in the program.  The kids love to see these messages so please respond promptly to Holly's email.
5.  Auditions for the technical crew will be April 15 at 4pm in the lower gym at West Sylvan.  Students who want to be involved in theater but don't want to be onstage should audition.  They get to work on sets and costumes, run the lights and sound during the show and be general stage hands.

Hamlet Rehearsal Schedule for April
Monday 8thFULL CAST
Tuesday 9th—Royal Group #1 plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
Wednesday 10th ALL 3 Hamlets.  Logan, Ava, Teis
Thursday 11th -----  Royal Group #1 plus Polinius Horatio and R&G
Monday 15th ---Full Cast
Tuesday 16th Royal Group #2 plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
Wednesday 17th All four ghosts plus Teis, Horatio and Marcellus
Thursday 18th Royal Group #2
Monday 22nd Full Cast
Tuesday 23rd Royal Group # 3 Plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
Wednesday 24th FULL CAST
Thursday 25th Royal Group #3 plus Polonius, Horatio and R&G
Monday 29th FULL CAST
Tuesday 30th TBA

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hamlet Update April 1

We are right back in the swing of things.  Below is the updated schedule for the rest of this week.  I will send out next week's schedule as soon as I have it.  Sorry for the last minute changes and I will work to get some consistency going forward.  Unfortunately, the schedule is somewhat dependent on the progress of rehearsals.   If your character is not listed, then you are not called.

Tuesday - Royal Group 3 and Horatio and Polonius and Laertes, all ghosts and Osric
Wednesday - Junior cast only
Thursday - Royal Group 3 and Horatio and Polonius and Laertes, all ghosts and Osric

Friday, March 22, 2013

HAMLET Rehearsal Change and Spring Break

Paul has called the entire cast to rehearsal on the first Monday that we return from Spring Break.  If you haven't had a chance to complete and return the information packet and the check, please do so on Monday, April 1.

During Spring Break, you can be busy completing the bio/headshot sheet.  This sheet can be found at the bottom of the first page of the drama website, http://eastwestsylvandrama.com/ under the information about the blog.   A short biography and a passport type photo for each cast and crew member appears in the program.  It usually takes a bit of time to get them all in so I thought I would get you all started now.  Maybe you can get a great photo while on Spring Break.

All actors should be learning their lines for their scenes.  Perhaps that could be great activity during the long car or plane trip.

Enjoy the week off!

Friday, March 15, 2013

HAMLET Rehearsal Schedule plus More

Starting next week, Monday March 19, the rehearsal schedule will be as follow until further notice:

Polonius, Laertes, Horation Guildenstern and Rosencrantz come every day Monday - Thursday

Monday - Royal Group 1 plus Polonius, Laertes, Horatio, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz
Tuesday - Royal Group 2 plus P, L, H, G & R
Wednesday - All called, including the junior cast (this is the only day the jr cast comes)
Thursday - Royal Group 3 plus P, L, H, G & R

The cast list list is in a previous post.

Everyone needs to be learning their lines.  The goal is to have them memorized when we return from Spring Break.  No rehearsal during Spring Break.

Thanks to all who have returned the completed information packet and activity fee check.  I would appreciate if I could get the remainders on Monday.  

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hamlet week of 3/11

Welcome all to the Hamlet Family!  Congratulations to your actor for being cast in Hamlet!  Now the fun begins!

Rehearsal starts tomorrow, Monday, March 11.  All cast members, except the jr (elementary school) members, should come to rehearsal Monday - Thursday, 4 - 6 pm,  for this week.  Junior cast members should come  to only Monday and Wednesday rehearsals.  During this week, the cast will read and discuss the script.  Next week, the director will break down rehearsal among the royal groups and the other roles.  

If you have not already received one by email, on Monday your actor will bring home an extensive information packet.  There are things for you to complete and return as soon as possible.  This production is a group effort meaning that it happens because of all of you donating your time and talents.  The packet has a list of tasks that need to be completed so please sign up for the things you like to do.  I do need some volunteers quite quickly to get things moving.  As I am not creative, I desperately need someone to help with costumes and sets, most of which we already have.  Also, does anyone have Microsoft Publisher?  I have a template for the Hamlet programs that needs to be updated.  It is something that can be done quite quickly if you know what you are doing on Publisher.

Friday, March 8, 2013

HAMLET Cast List

Cast List: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Congratulations to everyone!   Your talent and hard work is very evident.  We are going to make an exciting show.

The Royal Groups are numbered only for clarity, no group is “above” another.  You will always be with your Royal group.  Your group will be assigned scenes on Monday.

Teis Jayaswal
Ava Sweet
Logan Kenney

Xela Shawn
Katie Reahl
Kate Lambert

Sage Taylor
Lane Andersen
Tristan Muresan

Emma Weightman
Laurel McGrane
Mia Yerton

Laertes: Ben Pagano

Polonius: Maia Abbruzzese

Horatio: Tucker Litch

Olivia Loibner
Anisha RajBhandary
Bella Ferrán
Lindsay Kurtz

Rosencrantz: Emma McGrane
Guildenstern: Natalie Rader

Player King: Bella Ferrán

Osric: Kianna Gellman

Marcellus: Kate Weeks
Francisco: Anna Smiley
Bernardo: Olivia Loibner

Gravedigger:Anna Smiley
Gravedigger’s helper: Joshua Snisky

Citizens of Denmark, Palace Servants, Players.
Hope Hanzlik, Audrey Walker, Dana Smiley, Halia-Rose Baillie, Carina Montero, Grace White, Molly Townes, Mia Nelson, Sophia Wilson, Ruby Mullins-Keating, Sophia Modica, Olivia Butler, Lilly Hancock, Camille Barron, Tess Anderson.

Royal Group #1
Hamlet: Ava Sweet
Gertrude: Emma Weightman
Ophelia: Katie Reahl
Claudius: Lane Andersan

Royal Group #2
Hamlet: Logan Kenney
Gertrude: Mia Yerton
Ophelia: Xela Shawn
Claudius: Sage Taylor

Royal Group #3
Hamlet: Teis Jayaswal
Gertrude: Laurel McGrane
Ophelia: Kate Lambert
Claudius: Tristan Muresan

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

HAMLET Callback List

Wow, auditions were fantastic!  It was great to see so many faces, both boys and girls and both new and returning cast members.  Thank you to all for your hard work and dedication.

Below is the callback list.  Please keep in mind that if you are not on the callback list, it does NOT mean that you are not in the cast.  Also, if you are on the callback list, it does not mean that you are in the cast.  A callback is a second chance for the direct to see actors in order to make appropriate casting decisions.  Callbacks are from 4-6 pm in the choir room

Good luck to all and watch for the cast list Friday morning.
